What is it?
The exercise Yudh Abhyas is a regularly-scheduled Indian Army/U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) co-sponsored bilateral exercise hosted by the Indian army. The exercise is designed to promote cooperation among the two militaries while sharing training, cultural exchanges and improving partnership readiness. This year the exercise will include a multi-echelon, full-spectrum combined operation focusing on a United Nations Peace Keeping Operation scenario, while executing a maneuver live-fire exercise.
Seventeen Stryker fighting vehicles from the 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii are scheduled to participate in the only U.S. bi-lateral exercise with the Indian Army, in Babina, India, Oct. 12-29.
What has the Army done?
Yudh Abhyas 2009 (YA09) is the 6th annual U.S./Indian exercise, promoting regional stability and security. In past exercises, staff exchanges and command post exercises developed joint operating skills. YA09 differs as the exercise constitutes the largest troop exchange since the YA partnership exercise commenced in 2004. Like any other Theater Security Cooperation Program, YA also allows the participants from both armies to train together, share tactics, techniques and procedures and enjoy an enriched appreciation for each other's culture and professional traditions.
What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
Exercise Yudh Abhyas is an exercise with one of our joint partners in the Pacific area of responsibility. The relationship between U.S. Army Pacific and the Indian military grows stronger with each annual event. Yudh Abhyas will continue to be one of our premier exercises in the Pacific for many years to come and the plans for the 2010 staff exercise are already being finalized.
Why is this important to the Army?
Routine bilateral dialogues establish strategic and operational guidance for future defense cooperation. Additionally, this exercise provides a valuable opportunity for U.S. Army Pacific to train with our Indian army counterparts to improve joint operation skills of our forces while building personal relationships.
source-- http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2009/10/mil-091021-arnews02.htm