Thursday, February 18, 2016

Recently all that deshdrohi things ....supporting ‘terrorists’ Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat ....we know lot about Afzal but many don't know about MAQBOOL BHAT ...letz see !

Who was Maqbool Bhat ?
  • Maqbool Bhat a resident of Trehgam in Kupwara District of Kashmir was hanged to death in Tihar Jail on 11 February 1984 on charges of committing a double murder.


Political career ?
  • Bhat entered the political arena of Kashmir with an ideology of Jammu and Kashmir existing as an independent state. 
  • To further his political agenda he founded the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) along with his friend, Hashim Qureshi and others.

Kaarnaame aur inki kahaani ?

  • Being young and impressionable, he came under the devious spell of Pakistan. 
  • He and his friends generated anti-India propaganda and committed a number of crimes, including hijacking and murder. 
  • They were too young to realise that Pakistan had no love lost for Kashmir or its people; its objective was to use the state as a tool to disintegrate India and seize its rivers.
  • As Maqbool Bhat spoke more and more about an independent Kashmir, free from both India and Pakistan, he became persona non grata for the Pakistani military establishment. 
  • He publicly stated that the military rulers of Pakistan had never supported the peoples' armed struggle in Kashmir for which reason he and his comrades became the target of brutal torture and humiliation. 
  • He was forced to flee from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) back to Jammu and Kashmir where he was arrested for his crimes, tried as per law and sentenced to death .

How his IDEOLOGY and METHODOLOGIES were flawed ?

The ensuing events over the years have clearly established the errors in his ideology and the means adopted to fructify the same.

  • His first mistake was to opt for the path of violence as an instrument to realise his political goals. 
  • He also erred by not understanding the benefits that his people would accrue by aligning themselves with democratic tenets of the Indian nation. 
  • The biggest mistake, however, was his reliance on Pakistan for support.

Realisation...BUT too late !

Towards the end of his life he realised his mistakes. Sadly, by that time, it was too late for him to make amends.

BUT his this APPROACH still MISGUIDES and INFLUENCES the techniques used by the Kashmiris !!

  • Unfortunately, the approach adopted by Maqbool Bhat was wrong and he became instrumental in guiding his own family members and a host of young, impressionable and misinformed young boys towards a path which gave them nothing but hardship, disruption and finally death.

kya hai MAQBOOL ki family ka haal PoK me ?
  • Maqbool Bhat's immediate family is fighting a hard battle for survival in POK. His son Showkat Maqbool Bhat is politically active. 
  • The family floated a political party, the Jammu and Kashmir National Liberation Front (JKNLF). Later on it was changed to Jammu Kashmir National Liberation Council. 
  • The party holds regular demonstrations to highlight the glaring human rights violations being faced by the people of POK and Gilgit-Baltistan at the hands of the oppressive Pakistani regime, especially the Pakistan Army.
  • Showkat has, on many occasions, been arrested in Muzaffarabad in POK for leading peace marches to the UN office to highlight the sad plight of the people of POK and Gilgit-Baltistan.
  • Showkat has also been speaking against the use of POK for infiltration of terrorists into Kashmir. He highlights the insecurity that the people of POK feel with the barbarian Jihadis roaming across their land as they await their turn for infiltration. 
  • Also, the artillery shelling that is carried out to facilitate infiltration elicits a massive response from the Indian side which causes great damage and loss of life and property to the villagers who reside along the Line of Control.

What about his ASSOCIATES ?

  • Maqbool Bhat's old associate, Hashim Qureshi, who hijacked an Indian Airlines Fokker Friendship plane from Srinagar to Lahore in 1971, after 30 years in exile in Holland, returned to India and onwards to Kashmir in 2000 and entered the political arena. He has admitted that the hijacking of the aircraft Ganga was a mistake and has expressed his support for electoral politics with a clearly non-violent agenda.
  • In his recent interviews Hashim Qureshi has lambasted the Government of Pakistan for its brutal practices in POK. "It is not shocking for me because I've been through the atrocities and the people are still going through them. Pakistan only talks about issues which are prevalent in Indian part of Kashmir. Pakistani security forces are no better than the British colonialists," said Qureshi in an interview. He also praised India for its efforts to obtain and retain Kashmir in a democratic way.



  • Ravindra Hareshwar Mhatre was a 48 years old Indian diplomat in UK who was kidnapped and later murdered in Birmingham in 1984 by British Kashmiri terrorists. 

  • When Mhatre stepped out of a bus, clutching a birthday cake for his daughter Asha, was bundled into a car and held captive for three days in the Alum Rock area of Birmingham, an area with an overwhelmingly Kashmir-British population. His body was found two days after he was kidnapped in a Birmingham suburb.
  • The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Army claimed responsibility and within hours of the kidnapping, the abductors issued their list of demands, which included one million pounds in cash and the release of Maqbool Butt, the JKLF’s co-founder, who was lodged in Delhi’s Tihar jail after being sentenced to death for killing personnel of Indian security forces.
  • There were hectic efforts to goad Mrs Indira Gandhi, then prime minister, into agreeing to negotiate a deal with Mhatre’s abductors. But Mrs Gandhi remained unmoved and her message was unambiguous: No talks, no deal.
On February 6, Mhatre’s body was found in a lane. He had been shot dead after the JKLF realised it was futile to expect a swap. A grim-faced Mrs Gandhi struck back.

  • Maqbool Butt was executed five days later on February 11 after then President Zail Singh was told to spurn his mercy petition.


About RAVINDRA MHATRE as a person !!

He was, as a friend recalls: "Simple, almost naive, sincere and honest, without any flare or flamboyance." His mother, a primary teacher at the Poddar School in Santa Cruz, had a great impact on her son as well as on her numerous students who hold her in great esteem.

Mhatre himself never smoke or drank. He was interested in a variety of subjects, from history to art and the sciences. While posted in Delhi he obtained diplomas in company law and taxation from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. As a boy he was so immersed in books that he was sometime absent-minded about carrying out family chores.

Mhatre brought to his job a rare personal touch. A sobbing woman mourner at Vikhroli recalled how when she was feeling homesick and pregnant in strife-torn Teheran, Mhatre tried to cheer her up by secretly arranging a quiet ceremony to celebrate her seventh month of pregnancy, a custom among Maharashtrians. He had even written to his wife to send a green sari for the function.

Another friend remembers how when he wrote to Mhatre to find out, if possible, about a Dr Tilak from the National Chemical Laboratory who was ill and in hospital in Teheran, Mhatre went from hospital to hospital to locate the man and when he found him, insisted on bringing him to his house.

He continuously showed a rare initiative and concern about Indians abroad. When he recognised the famous classical singer Prabha Atre in Teheran, he persuaded her to give a concert as he did with Aran Datte, the Marathi singer. Hundreds of Indian students are indebted to him for the interest he took in advising them about universities abroad.

Every city in which he was posted, Mhatre got to know intimately. Said a friend: "He could always tell you the restaurant where you got the best kulfi or the shop which had the right goods from India. I remember when he was posted in Dhaka, he found a tailor who stitched a suit for Rs 10. He got one made and wore it proudly."

Ironically, on August 15, 1982, when he was transferred to Birmingham, the family was thrilled because it represented the first safe post after years in trouble-spots. 

  • He was in Dhaka in undivided Pakistan at the time of the Indo-Pakistan war in the mid-'60s and was, like other Indians, placed under house arrest.
  • He was in Iran during the thick of the riots when the Shah was removed and Ayatullah Khomeini took over. 

As a result he was often separated from his family, since Mhatre and his wife Shobha were keen that the education of their only child Asha, now 14, should not suffer. Asha, a bright student, had earlier stayed on in Bombay with her mother to study at St Columba School.

In Birmingham, however, the family was finally together and Asha studied at a local school. Tragically Asha's birthday fell a day after her father was kidnapped. From phone messages to the family in Bombay, it seems the teenager is trying bravely to cope with the situation. She begged her concerned relatives not to phone at odd hours as it disturbed her mother who was not at all well.

One of Mhatre's leisure activities was "bhendia" a Marathi game of reciting couplets with the ending word of a previous poem and very often he composed the poems and sang them.

A colleague recalls that a few years back when he visited the Qutub Minar in Delhi, he was so inspired that in Marathi he composed a couplet remarking that as the "Qutub soars loftily into the blue skies, so should a man soar high in his career and attainments". But before he could fulfil those ambitions for himself and his family, Mhatre was cruelly struck down.

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18 Feb 2016

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