What is
Stockholm Syndrome?
Stockholm Syndrome is a feeling of trust
or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim
towards a captor.
Why the Name?
- The
name Stockholm Syndrome was derived from a 1973 bank robbery in Stockholm,
Sweden, where four hostages were held for six days.
- Throughout their imprisonment and while in harm's way, each
hostage seemed to defend the actions of the robbers and even appeared to
rebuke efforts by the government to rescue them.
- Months after their ordeal had ended, the hostages continued
to exhibit loyalty to their captors to the point of refusing to testify
against them, as well as helping the criminals raise funds for legal
What Causes Stockholm Syndrome?
Individuals can apparently succumb
to Stockholm Syndrome under the following circumstances:
- Believing
one's captor can and will kill them.
- Isolation
from anyone but the captors.
- Belief
that escape is impossible.
- Inflating
the captor's acts of kindness into genuine care for each other's welfare.