Wednesday, February 17, 2016

BLACK RICE ? ...iski khasiyat ?
  • Black rice is drought resistant and has rich medicinal properties. 
  • Manipur and Assam are reviving this variety

Story of BLACK RICE ?

Not very long ago, black rice (Oryza sativa) was forbidden in China. Not because it looked poisonous for its black colour, but because it had nutritional values, and found a place only on an emperor’s menu. For centuries, the nutritional values of this wild rice eluded common people. 

Abhi isase related JAGRUTI ban rahi hai !
  • It is only now that researchers have begun to study the sticky varieties of black rice and found that it has several medicinal and nutritional values. 
  • It has anti-cancer properties and the bran of black rice is also known to soothe inflammation due to allergies, asthma and other diseases. 

Ok...where is it grown in INDIA and cultural significance ?

  • Grown in parts of Northeast and even in West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha, black rice is indigenous to these areas. 
  • In Manipur, it is considered food as well as part of the traditional medicine. 
  • Called chak-hao, it is eaten during community feasts. In the local language, chak means rice and ahaoba means delicious, therefore, chak-hao means delicious rice. Chak-hao kheer (pudding) is a part of any feast 
  • The rice water too is used to wash hair to make it stronger. 

KAALA kyun hai ?
  • The rice gets its dark black or purplish colour because it is rich in anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants.
  • Anthocyanins not only act as antioxidants, they also activate detoxifying enzymes; prevent cancer cell proliferation; induce cancer cell death (apoptosis); have anti-inflammatory effects; have antiangiogenesis effects (they inhibit the formation of new blood vessels that encourage tumour growth); prevent cancer cell invasion; and, induce differentiation (the more differentiated the cancer cell, the less likely it is to grow and spread)

Nutrition k maamle me aur WHITE RICE k muqaable ?
  • The rice contains more vitamin B, niacin, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc as compared to white rice. 
  • Rich in fibre, the grain has a sweet and slightly nutty taste. It is as an “unmilled rice”—the fiber-rich black husks of the rice are not removed.

Way forward
  • Other State governments, where rice cultivation is a major enterprise, should take to black rice cultivation. A niche market can be established primarily for export purposes.
  • The recent successful venture of the Union Government at Amuguripara in Goalpara distrct in Assam, where a total of 12 tonnes of black rice was produced in 13.2 hectares, which comes close to a tonne per hectare, is an inspiring example.
  • It shows how, by providing infrastructure, market support and financial incentives, black rice can, indeed, be good bet for Indian rice producers and consumers, domestic as well as foreign.
  • Black rice germplasms must be included in the all-India rice research project based in Hyderabad, which will not only show its potential throughout India, but also open the eyes of enterprising farmers. There is no time to waste.


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17 Feb 2016

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