Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In the closing stage of the Civil Disobedience movement, Subhash horrored around the working class movement.
  • He inspired the students arid the under­privileged, towards a radical militant temper. 
  • This eventually facilitated the formation of the Congress Socialist Party within the framework of the Congress organisation. 
  • Subhash confined himself progressively, to the discussions on the conducting of India's struggle for freedom, looking for new styles and strategies to intensify it and getting impatient for a show down with the authorities.

  • In April 1939 he left the Congress and organised the Forward Bloc and the Kisan Sabha. 
  • In November 1941 he escaped from India and surfaced in Berlin, where he met Hitler. 
  • He was of the view that one's enemy's enemy is one's friend. 
  • He organized the Azad Hind Fauj or the Indian National Army with the help of his Japanese allies, to fight for the freedom of India. 
  • In dealing with the role of Subhash during this period we have to take note of the fact that what he did was not due to his support to Fascist Germany or expansionist Japan but for India's freedom.


  • Subhash lost his mark on the Congress by laying emphasis on the industrialisation of India and planned economic growth on the Soviet pattern. 
  • He was in fact instrumental in the formation of a National Planning Committee of the Congress. 
  • He appeared to have identified the manner in which the anti-imperialist struggle had to rise above all sectional considerations of class and creed by emphasising the actual sufferings of the people. 
  • He seemed to know how the struggle must be escalated and strengthened by rallying all the victims of the imperialist rule, especially the toiling people.
The consequent process of radicalisation of the national movement owed substantially to the vision and exertion of Subhash Chandra Bose.

Arguments on Fascism...!!

  • Netaji has stated his position unequivocally to refute this canard that he was moved by the ideas of fascism. 
  • His association with Germany, Italy and Japan was dictated by revolutionary strategy and not by ideological kingship. 
  • He was totally opposed to the theory of racial superiority. 
  • It was however nationalism which was the only redeeming features of Netaji's synthesis of samyavada.

 Arguments on Communism...!!
  • Netaji's principle was a synthesis of leftist ideology for it urges its adherents to unceasing struggle, to go ahead without rest and compromise. 
  • It is revolutionary because it wants a complete and radical change in the existing capitalists and imperialist order. 
  • It is a believer in material upliftment of the people through industrialization while cottage industries having their legitimate place.
  • In England, he exchanged ideas on the future of India with British Labour Party leaders and political thinkers like Lord Halifax, George Lansbury, Clement Attlee, Arthur Greenwood, Harold Laski, J.B.S. Haldane, Ivor Jennings, G.D.H. Cole, Gilbert Murray and Sir Stafford Cripps . He came to believe that a free India needed socialist authoritarianism, on the lines of Turkey's Kemal Atatürk, for at least two decades.

Moral of the Story 

  • It is distinct from Gandhism , Marxism, Fascism,and other schools of thought, but the best in everything finds its place in it. 
  • It is precise in religious and foreign policies. 
  • The programme and plan of action which emanates from his ideology is as clear as crystal. A follower of Netaji needs never goes in a dark path. His path is illuminated by the clearest of thoughts all demonstrated in the practical labotary of history. 
  • The ideology of Subhashism is learnt not in the scheduled halls, they are learnt with intelligent study, close observation and continuous application in the widest field among masses. 
  • Thus learnt, Netajis ideology serves as the surest guide to a revolution in his march for the emancipation of man.

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30 Oct 2013

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