- 20th PSLV to be launched.
- is the core-alone version of the four-stage PSLV.
- without the strap-on booster motors that will put the four
satellites in orbit
- will put four satellites in the orbit.
The four satellites
which it shall put on orbit are
(A) Megha-Tropiques
- built by India (ISRO) and France (CNES)
- to understand global tropical weather and climate
- will help understand the behaviour of Indian monsoons and
occurrence of cyclones, floods and droughts.
- Megha in Sanskrit means cloud and Tropiques in French is
- one of the most advanced and complex satellites built
to monitor the weather in the short-term and climate in the long-term in
the tropical regions of the world.
- at an altitude of 867 km,the rapidly developing weather
systems in the entire tropical world could kept an eye on. Thus, the
information beamed by the Megha-Tropiques will be useful not only to India
but to all the countries in the Indian Ocean region and other parts of the
- has four scientific payloads
- Microwave Analysis and Detection of Rain and Atmospheric
Structures (MADRAS), ---(built
by ISRO and the CNES, will provide an estimation of rainfall, water
vapour, liquid water, ice and surface wind) .
- Scanner for Radiative Budget (SCARAB)--- (built by CNES,will study the radiation received by
the earth and reflected by it.)
- Sondeur Atmospherique du Profil d'humidite Intertropicale
par Radiometrie (SAPHIR) ---(built
by CNES , will investigate the humidity present in the tropical
(Global Positioning System- Radio Occultation System) --- Italy will study
the temperature and humidity at different altitudes.
of entire satellite done by ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore
(B) SRM Satwill
- 10-kg
- help in understanding global warming and pollution by
studying carbon-dioxide and carbon-monoxide present in the
- built by the students of SRM University,
near Chennai
(C) Jugnu
- three-kg
- has a camera to take pictures of the earth to monitor,
vegetation, reservoirs, lakes, and ponds.
- integrated by students of the Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT)
(D) VesselSat
- will help in locating the ships in the sea-lanes of the
- from Luxembourg