Friday, December 18, 2009

"Bachat Lamp Yojana"

The "Bachat Lamp Yojana" aims at the large scale replacement of incandescent bulbs in households by CFLs. It seeks to provide CFLs to households at the price similar to that of incandescent bulbs and plans to utilize the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol to recover the cost differential between the market price of the CFLs and the price at which they are sold to households.

The Bachat Lamp Yojana is designed as a public-private partnership between the Government of India, private sector CFL suppliers and State level Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs). The CFL suppliers would sell high quality CFLs to households at a price of Rs. 15 per CFL within a designated project area in a DISCOM region of operation. The CFL supplier will be chosen by the DISCOM through a due diligence process from a list of CFL suppliers empanelled by BEE. Under the scheme only 60 Watt and 100 Watt incandescent Lamps will be replaced with 11- 15 Watt and 20 - 25 Watt CFLs respectively. BEE will monitor the electricity savings in each project area in accordance with the monitoring methodology prescribed by the Executive Board of the CDM.

For this purpose, BEE has developed smart meters based on GSM technology that are fitted between the socket and the CFL in sample households in each project area. The GSM based meter collects the data on hours of use and energy consumed by the sample CFL and sends this information by SMS to the central server. An independent agency has already been selected for this job and meters have been installed in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh and Yamunagar, Haryana. Test of these meters have been carried out in NABL accredited labs. It is expected that around 50 lakh CFLs will be replaced in each DISCOM area.

In order to reduce the transaction costs associated with the approval of CDM projects, BEE has developed a Programme of Activities (PoA) which would serve as an umbrella CDM project, and would be registered with the CDM Executive Board. The individual projects, designed to be in conformance with the umbrella project, would be added to the umbrella project as and when they are prepared. The development of the PoA is a voluntary action on the part of BEE, and it would not seek any commercial or CDM revenues from the PoA. On the other hand, BEE will, on behalf of the Government of India take the responsibility of monitoring of all project areas after the DISCOMs and the CFL suppliers have entered into a tripartite agreement (TPA) with BEE.[Photo]Bachat Lamp Yojna Logo - cdr format
